Avoid unnecessary stimulation

Drink enough of water
October 1, 2024
Basic and complex food supplements
October 5, 2024
Drink enough of water
October 1, 2024
Basic and complex food supplements
October 5, 2024

Yes, guys, I mean all that exciting adult content - porn, chats and unnecessary flirting with strangers. If you struggle with your healthy erection - there is something wrong in our body, it's running on the edge and adding such stimulation during the day wears out last capacity you might have.

Extra stimulation with porn and similar things will give you extra Dopamine boost and will keep it at very high level, as opposed to the time with your partner. By being stimulated with porn you make it less attractable with your partner and this will worsen your erectile dysfunction.

Don't get me wrong - there is nothing wrong in stimulation with your partner. The key elements is that it happens with your partner and not by yourself. Erectile dysfunction indicates, that something in your body is worn out. I am not a doctor, but even in our cars - if some part is worn out - usually you do not want to stress it. Porn and similar fun adds unnecessary stress to the body. You get excited, your relaxed, get excited, get relaxed - all without doing the job. And when you need your body to work - it already feels tired.

It is not hard to figure out, what and where we do - we all know it. We don't have to talk about it - deep in our hearts we know it, when we do these little slips the side. Modern society and culture kinda makes it feel, that there is nothing wrong in it. Who knows. I know that porn and other adult materials:

  • distracts me and adds anxiety
  • takes away energy, that I lack elsewhere
  • adds stress and pressure on my not so young body

Porn causes our brain to release very high level spikes of Dopamine, that easily turns it into daily addiction.

This addiction is a new threat to many men. It is often invisible and affects most of our daily routines. It is ruining our lives from inside and many of us know, how hard it is to quit. It is full scale addiction.  As any other addition it is linked problems, that we try to escape and to high Dopamine spikes we get from it.

If you feel, that this resonates with you, if you find yourself in this addiction, here are things, that help me:

  • going to gym to get stress our and make my body work. Physical activities, especially weight lifting greatly reduces Cortisol and anxiety.
  • taking cold shower - also reduces Cortisol and takes away negative emotions and feelings.
  • talking and confessing to someone, who understand it. When I take it off my heart - addiction and urge to dive in greatly reduces and quite often I am able to skip it. You might talk to a stranger or someone you know and trust, someone who will not judge, but remind you, that it does not what you want and who you are.
  • walking out in a park or forest. If you can - go and wrap your hands around some big tree (bigger you find the better it feels). Hold it for a few minutes. I don't know how it works - but whole body energy gets in balance.

It is very hard to stop, once you slide into it. So better try to avoid it.

It is fight between you and you. It is fight for you. For better you.

You are worth much better things in life!

Remember to give yourself enough time and grace.
Two or three months to see first little improvement is absolutely normal timeframe.


You can do it!
I believe in you!