Welcome to my blog

Complex nature of erection
September 21, 2024
Complex nature of erection
September 21, 2024

I am happy and excited to start this blog and share my ideas and tips on erectyle disfunction issue, that in the past decade many men have faced.

I truly believe, that speaking and sharing this with and within supportive group of people can help. Delicate matter of this issue often might make you think, that it is something very "special" and make you close within yourself. I have discovered, that speaking any problem loud makes it become smaller.

Another reason for me to start this blog is to collect my own tips in one single place. I do have ADHD traits and putting things together, even just as a reminder, is a huge help for me, just for myself. Therefore please forgive me, that some posts might be a bit more personal or emotional.

And the last, but no least reason is to show, that we can help ourselves. Doctor and professional help is a good thing, but it is just a part of the solution. Support, grace, inspiration, time and patience - I have found, that all these things matter a lot. I would like to share support and inspiration in this blog.