Basic and complex food supplements
October 5, 2024
Cortisol relates to Erectile Dysfunction
December 24, 2024
Basic and complex food supplements
October 5, 2024
Cortisol relates to Erectile Dysfunction
December 24, 2024Give yourself time and grace.
For many years I was mistreating myself and doing things, that have worsened small symptom of erectile dysfunction. I was blaming others, I was blaming myself, I was closing my eyes to this issue, I was rushing after cheap and simple fun and dopamine, I was relapsing on all that so many times. I still fall into this trap now and then.
First step for me was to admit and see the connection between my actions, my way of life and my physical and health state. My first step was to admit it and to stop blaming anyone. Not every myself. Blaming does not help - it sucks time, energy and gives extra weight, that you have to carry through your days. It does not help.
Second step was to read about my options and alternatives. What can I do different? What can I implement in my daily routine easily? What sort of excitement can I get from that, that would actually benefit my state?
It might sounds strange - but indeed our mind can be our best friend and can be our worst enemy. It can easily drag us to something bad and undesirable or it can easily push us towards amazing goals and success. Giving our mind motivation is not that hard - just show it something exciting and it will drag you there.
We often expect, that excitement will come over us and then we will... Yes, sometimes it works like that. But quite often it might not come from the direction, where we wanna go and that's the bad trick of it. That's why we should do a first gentle push - push ourselves and show our mind that exciting thing or results, so the next day it would help you go and do that thing. Compare your first week in a gym, when you might feel scared, bad, bored and unable to lift any good weight. And then look at your physical and mental state after attending gym for a few months on a regular basis.
Our mind will still look for cheap and simple pleasures. It always does. The fewer resources it has to spend to get pleased - the more excited and attracted it will be. That's why you should not relax and expect it to be easy. You will need to keep focused and tuned against your goal all the time. That is normal, do not expect it to be different.
If you look back - you will see, how many times you have been dragged to things, that did harm to your physical and mental health. Alcohol and porn addictions are the worst ones, when it comes to dealing with erectile dysfunction. These two big things are also highly addictive and in modern words very easily obtainable.
Every time you feel tired, bad, bored, distracted, feeling anxiety and depression - those two things - alcohol and porn - they are the first one to appear on our mind's todo-list. I know that, because I was there. And I am still trying to get out of there - for so many years, that's why much addictive those things are. And this is one of the reasons for this blog - I want to talk them out and show other men, that these addictions are doing serious harm to our lives. Most of us might know it already, but do we know how to get out?
Many of us did not have right example, many of us still don't have it, as modern society actually promotes alcohol and sexual addiction. I might not be the right example, but I know - I need to fight these addictions and overcome them to be better and to feel better. If this lands for you - I will be more than happy to walk this path together.
We as men are here to help each other. Life is hard and we all need support from someone, who understand it. Such support can also come from family, spouse, hobbies and if you have that - I am very happy and proud for you.
But no matter what - overcoming and becoming better will take time. It takes time to grow a tree, to create a business, to build a house. It took us many years to get where we are. Let's give us some time to get out. We may fall, we may slip off the path - give yourself grace and be patient. Stand up, fix the coarse and keep going.
You are man - you are meant to fight!
You are worth much better things in life!
Two or three months to see first little improvement is absolutely normal timeframe.